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27 August 2010

Exciting cress news!

Here is a picture of our cress on Thursday.

Wow! All our expectations were reached today when we noticed that our cress had grown some green leaves. Cress is amazing and it's certainly helped us learn the days of the week!

25 August 2010


In maths we are learning about time. On Monday we started growing some cress. We are taking photos of our seeds each day to see how they change over time. Here is what they looked like on Monday:

on Tuesday:

and on Wednesday:

We have noticed that there are little roots and shoots growing out of the seeds already. I wonder if there will be any green leaves by Friday?!

Here is a slideshow to show you some of the other time activities we have been doing:

Pyjama Day

Friday 20 August was Pyjama Day. We all came to school in our pyjamas, which felt really strange! We wondered if we should have a sleep at school ....

but we knew that wearing pyjamas on Pyjama Day was all about raising money for the orphanage in Cambodia.

Busy times

Room 10 has been super busy learning about so many things over the last little while:

We have visited the Nelson Provincial Museum, where Nicki talked to us about Precious Things. We learnt lots of language to help us with our descriptive writing in the classroom. A big thank you to all the parents who helped on this trip.

After the visit we wrote about our own special toys that are precious to us. Here are some examples:

I like my toy. She is my favourite toy. Her name is Fizz.
She has big shoes and she has blue skin. She has tickly hair.
Sometimes I take her to bed.
By Sam

My toy is soft. I play with my toy.
My toy has some ears. He wears a jacket. He likes carrots.
Can you guess what he is?
A bunny rabbit!
By Ruby

Over the past two weeks we have been learning to become Firewise. We had two visits from the firemen. The first to talk to us about what to do in the case of a fire as well as a safe place to meet; and the second to show us their shiny red fire engine with all the equipment they use to help save lives in fires and car crashes.

12 August 2010

Measuring slides

Room 10 this week have been measuring.

We have been using lots of different tools for measuring: rulers, tape measures, scales and balls of string.

We have measured how tall we are, how much we weigh, how long the deck outside the classroom is and even how far we can flick a tiddly wink! Best of all was using our estimation skills in deciding which slide is the longest at Nelson Central School. Some of us estimated the white slide and some the blue slide as the shortest, but we all estimated the yellow slide as the longest. Whilst measuring we discovered the blue slide is the shortest and the yellow is the longest by 10m!

The best part was getting to go down the slides once we had measured them!!

01 August 2010

Life Education

On Wednesday we visited Victoria and Harold in the Life Education trailer. It was very exciting to see Harold and where he lives. We learnt about parts of our body (heart, lungs and brain) and their functions.

We also thought and talked about ways of playing safely and being kind to others. We even did a puzzle on the wall of the trailer on what we need to keep ourselves healthy.

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