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21 October 2010

Wonky Donkey

We were all so excited to see Craig Smith (aka the Wonky Donkey man) at school this week as part of the Nelson Arts Festival. He came to sing and read to us. We joined in singing the songs and thought he was pretty clever multitasking playing the guitar and harmonica at the same time. It was really challenging to make the water drop sound like the Wonky Donkey man in the drip song. Here he is reading his new book, Willbee the Bumblebee:

14 October 2010


It's lovely seeing everyone back at school this week. A special welcome to Arlee who has joined Room 10, too. This term is going to be very busy and I am sure we will learn lots.
To start the term we have been learning about patterns in maths. We have been looking at patterns to work out what comes next. It's been fun creating our own patterns, as well as patterns for our friends to work out. We have discovered that sometimes we need to look at colour to work them out, or shape, or orientation, or picture. These are some of our hole punch patterns (we used the pictures we punched out to repeat our patterns):


We are having tennis lessons for the first 4 weeks of this term. Here we are learning some skills to improve our game!

05 October 2010

Celebrations and Goodbyes

The last week of Term 3 saw us celebrating our learning of solids, liquids and gasses. We erupted our volcano on Thursday and it was a spectacular sight. There was a lot of "ooh-ing" and "aah-ing" and lots of the concepts learnt were talked about and observed. Unfortunately we had a malfunction with the videoing, but it did not stope the children enjoying the event.

On the last day of term we consolidated our learning of fractions by making fairy bread and dividing it equally between 2 and 4 people, so that they each had half or quarter of a slice. This was washed down with the lemonade we made the previous week. The yeast had caused such a lot of gas that it made an enormous "Chshshsh" sound and it looked like we were doing the volcano experiment all over again!!

Sadly we also said our "Goodbyes" to Andie who leaves us to move overseas with her family. We will miss you Andie, and wish you all the very best. I am sure we will meet up again sometime. Here is the class enjoying the Juicies Andie brought for them: