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09 May 2010


We have been doing an inquiry topic on water. We have been talking about all the water on the earth; how much is salt water, how much is frozen and how much is fresh water.

This week the highlight was our trip to the Maitai Dam on Wednesday. We thought of some questions to ask "the man at the dam", some of which were:

* Why do you keep the water in the dam?
* Have you ever had a leak out of the dam?
* How full does the dam get?
* Does the dam ever overflow?
* How can dams hold hundreds of water?
* Have you looked after the water really well?
* Have you any fish in your dam?
* Are we allowed to touch the water?

Adrian (the man at the dam) answered all our questions and taught us lots about Nelson's water.

A big thank you to those parents who helped out.

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