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24 June 2010

Magnetic Attractions

Having discovered in an indoor environment the sorts of things that are attracted to magnets we decided to explore further afield. On Tuesday we went onto the Adventure Playground to carry out our discovery roles of Predictors (Guessers) and Testers. We worked in pairs and first one of us was a Predictor, predicting what would be attracted to a magnet; and our partner tested our predictions. After a while we swapped over roles. We had so much fun discovering and exploring magnetic attraction. The wand magnets are really strong!

17 June 2010


Kowhai Syndicate celebrated Matariki on Monday 14 June. We started our celebrations with a shared kai, which was delicious. Thank you to all the families who contributed so generously. After lunch we all took part in a rotation of different Matariki activities. We hope you enjoy our slideshow.

Writing recounts

This week we spent a few days writing a recount of our weekend. We started off writing about where we went, then who we went with and what we did. Finally we added a personal statement about the experience.

Here is Tye's story:

I went to visit Grandad Mark. I went with Mum, Dad and Nikkita. They had a new cat. I played with the cat. It peeked at my lunch!

Here is a picture of Tye writing his story. It is lovely to see you using your finger spaces between words, Tye!

13 June 2010

Zero Waste Lunchboxes

Room 10 has been working hard at bringing zero waste lunches to school. On Thursday Sarah Langi came to school to show us some examples of lunchboxes that have different amounts of waste. We built a big tower of pictures of lunches from those with the most waste at the bottom to those with the least at the top. We found out that it is possible to bring lunch to school with no waste and that it saves us money, too!

Magic Magnets

We have started our exploration of magnets. Stirling kindly came to show us some ways to play with magnets. We have lots of questions about magnets which we hope to find the answers to over the next few weeks.

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Another digital scrapbook by Smilebox

06 June 2010

The Water Cycle

Last week we wound up our inquiry topic, "Splash". We learned about the water cycle and made bracelets out of pipecleaners with different coloured beads to represent the sun (yellow), clouds (white), rain (light blue), rivers (brown) and the sea (dark blue). These were useful in helping us remember the cycle. We also painted large bits of paper for a water cycle collage, which is hanging up in our classroom.

We talked about ways we can look after water in our homes and decided that the slogan "Think at the sink" would be good to help us remember to look after water.
We coloured in a picture of a sink and added a cardboard disk on a string as our plug and pasted them into our topic books.

Cross Country

After all the rain at the beginning of the week, Room 10 was so pleased to see the sun on Thursday, Nelson Central Cross Country day.
There were lots of people at cross country and we waited patiently until we were called to line up. When the wooden clapper went we were off, running as fast as we could. At the end of the day we felt good, but a bit puffed!

Number Book

We have been learning our number sequence to 10. As we have been learning so many tricky words, we decided to make a number book called 10 Apples up on top (based on Dr Seuss's book of the same name!)which includes lots of tricky words. We hope you enjoy looking at it and admire our balancing skills!!