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24 June 2010

Magnetic Attractions

Having discovered in an indoor environment the sorts of things that are attracted to magnets we decided to explore further afield. On Tuesday we went onto the Adventure Playground to carry out our discovery roles of Predictors (Guessers) and Testers. We worked in pairs and first one of us was a Predictor, predicting what would be attracted to a magnet; and our partner tested our predictions. After a while we swapped over roles. We had so much fun discovering and exploring magnetic attraction. The wand magnets are really strong!


  1. Great slides Room 10, what a great way to learn about magnets and what they are attracted to.

  2. A beautiful magnet came home last week and we got an interesting lecture about all the different objects it will and won't be attracted to!

    Thank you for a beautiful term, Lesley, you've helped room 10 learn lots and lots while they were having fun. Great job!

  3. What a Lovely slide show hope you had fun making it.
    From yasmina

  4. cool room 10 hope you had fun exploring. Skyla rm 3

  5. Hi rm 10 you have a cool blog from Eva
