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21 September 2010


Whilst finding out more about the solid, liquid and gas elements of a volcano the children discovered that there was gas in the liquid magma. On Friday we decided to make a liquid that would also contain a gas. We made a sugar syrup, squeezed some lemons and added the magic ingredient, yeast, to make the gas bubbles. The recipe says to leave the lemonade for 4 days, so we have decided to leave it until this Friday, the last day of term, before we drink it!

We thought it would be good to label our bottle of lemonade. So, after making labels, the class had a vote to see whose label would grace the bottle - Andie's creation received the most votes. Well done Andie - you look very proud!

1 comment:

  1. That lemonade looks yummy. We have made some lemonade. By Phelan and Matthew, Room 12
